Due to retirement we have a vacancy on Sedgwick Parish Council - please contact the Parish Clerk for more details. On Sunday March 3rd 10am-3pm we are holding a work party on the Millennium Field and are asking residents to give a couple of hours of time to help us get the playing field ready for the spring and summer – there are weeding, pruning, cleaning and small maintenance tasks required. Many hands will hopefully make light work.
Please come along and help! On the Millennium Field, we have a large Community Compost heap – it is nearly full! It contains some very well-rotted composted that is ideal for gardens especially at this time of year! Please help us by coming and helping yourself to a barrow or bucket load so we have enough space for the coming year’s grass cuttings.
At our meeting (7:30 Village hall Thursday 13th September) we will be discussing the next steps in obtaining a 20mph speed limit in Sedgwick. The motion is
Following over a decade of resident concern over pedestrian safety in our village, Sedgwick Parish Council would like to formally request that a 20mph speed limit be introduced in the Village. We have almost no pavements or street lighting, resident parking is on the roadside make it difficult for pedestrians to cross the roads, traffic levels are disproportionately high, as we are used as a rat run between Brettargh Holt and the A65 (and this will worsen as new housing developments are built), there are many agricultural vehicles that need to use the village centre and there are countless near misses under the narrow aqueduct and on blind junctions. We believe a 20mph speed limit would radically improve pedestrian safety for our residents. Please come along to express your views. Unfortunately the vandalism that is taking place on the Canal and Millennium Field has escalated. The Stoker Seat at the Sedgwick Hill Bridge End of the Canal Wildlife Area has been vandalised and left completely unsafe. It has been removed and the matter has been reported to the Police. If anyone has information about the damage, please contact us.
A replacement will cost approximately £1000 or 10% of our annual budget and this wlll mean we will have less money available for other areas. We have been advised by the Police, to install CCTV cameras to deter the people responsible. For resident information: The Villa will be hosting 2 fireworks display shortly the first is Saturday 22nd July at 9.50pm and the second is Thursday 27th July at 9.50pm
Our new village bus shelter - funded by a grant from the Cumbria County Council Bus Infrastructure team.
We reported at the Annual Parish Meeting, that at last, we are making good progress with our Bus Shelter Project
The Cumbria County Council Highway Department and Bus Infrastructure Officer’s report which they produced last year, has been considered by their grants panel. We are pleased to report that we have received the funding and the go ahead from them, to install the shelter near the finger post sign post at the top of Back Lane. We are hoping the shelter will be ready by the end of April, with groundworks starting before then. It will benefit all those who use the local service and school buses, who often get wet when they have wait in the rain. The more we use our local rural bus services, the more likely it is that they will remain viable, and every bus journey reduces the need for a short car journey which means fewer harmful emissions and that is good for the environment. This is a similar design to the one chosen for Sedgwick. Sedgwick Parish Council welcomed Sheila Adams and Carole Woods from the CRKC to our Annual Parish Meeting last night. They presented information about the high levels of harmful pollution in the River Kent and what their campaign is doing to fight for a cleaner and safer River Kent.
To find out more, please visit our Clean River Kent Campaign Page Applications are invited for the position of Parish Clerk from 1st June 2023 when the present Clerk retires.
The post would suit an enthusiastic and confident person, looking to work as part of a small friendly team, with highly flexible working arrangements, including working from home. The Clerk is responsible for managing the Council’s Day to day business, providing advice, and implementing decisions and is also our Responsible Financial Officer. Applicants need to be computer literate, able to prepare council agendas and record minutes, be familiar with financial procedures and be able to correspond with external organisations on behalf of the Council. We meet in the evening on the second Wednesday of alternate months. Working hours are 5 hrs per week and salary will be in accordance with nationally agreed scales on LC1 and will be commensurate with experience. Induction, training and plenty of help and advice will be available. For an informal discussion/job description/application form, please contact theChairman, Cllr B Holmes on 01539561644 or email [email protected] Closing Date 15 th March 2023 Local Government will change on April 1st 2023 when Cumbria County Council and SLDC will be replaced by our new council Westmorland and Furness - for updates see their website. Click below image for link.
Sedgwick Parish Council are proud to be financing a pop up vaccination clinic to help the NHS roll out of the Autumn 2022 Covid Booster programme. All over 50s will be eligible. This will be a great opportunity for residents to be able to access the booster without a journey into Kendal or even further afield and we thank all those involved in organising it .
On Friday 19th August 2022 at approximately 9.45pm, The Villa at Levens will be hosting a 5 minute firework display. August 4th cancelled.
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