The Sedgwick Village Hall Management Committee is delighted to announce that the Hall now has new upholstered chairs and new tables to improve the quality of the facilities for all users.
This is thanks to a generous grant of £4000 from the BIG LOTTERY FUND in 2013 and a wonderful fundraising effort by all user groups on 29th June 2013, which produced an amazing figure of £1007. The Hall is an historic building given to the village by the Wakefield family in 1945. It is central to the lively variety of activities enjoyed by local residents and it is heartening to experience the support and generosity they have shown in achieving this project. |
The building required major work to weatherproof the exterior stone walls in 2014. Again the BIG LOTTERY FUND awarded a grant of £7,000, the Parish Council £1,500 and the County Council £700 towards the total cost of £10,250. The balance was meet from fundraising (£475) and existing funds.
Thank you so much to everyone who helped, contributed and supported the effort, demonstrating how much the community values its local assets. Please enjoy the rewards! |
Sedgwick Village
Cumbria LA8 0JW |